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STVLibraries’ Web OPAC   

Access the StVLibraries’ Online Public Access Catalog (OPAC) from home or anywhere…

 National Library of the Philippines

Access the National Library’s Online Public Access Catalog (OPAC)…

Philippine eLib

Access the most comprehensive libraries in the Philippines. More than a million bibliographic  records… 25 million pages of Philippine materials, 29000 full-text articles… all in one source.

Online Catalogs


Download free ebooks and textbooks for free.



Directory of Open Access Books                                

A searchable index of academic, peer-reviewed books that have been published under an Open Access license. Includes links to the full-text books on the publishers' websites.

OAPEN - Open Access Publishing in Eruropean Networks

The OAPEN Library contains freely accessible academic books, mainly in the area of Humanities and Social Sciences.

Directory of Publishers of Open Access Books

This is a list of publishers of OA books…

Open Access Books

Digital Archives/Repositories

DSpace Registry of Instritutional Repositories

Provides you a list or directory of institutional repositories/archives….

Books & More

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