Engr. Shiella Marie P. Garcia, MBA, MEng-CoE
Head, Computer Engineering Department

Bachelor of Science in Computer Engineering

To combine the theoretical foundations of computing with the practical engineering knowledge into a broad, updated and integrated curriculum equipped with updated technology vital to industry, community and the academe.

To obtain practical design experience in one of the several areas of concentration in the field of computer engineering by providing a balance of required courses and technical electives in the different stages of learning.

To prepare graduates with compassion conscience and competence suited for entry-level positions as computer engineers.

To provide linkages both for private and public sectors whether academic or non-academic that will alleviate the skills and professionalism of the students and faculty in a life long learning.

To become a center of development

Course Description

MA9COE - Advanced Engineering Mathematics

Determinants and matrices; power series expansion; Fourier series; Fourier transform; Laplace transform; Hilbert transform; z-transform; complex variables; random variables; stochastic processes.

ECEM1 - Discrete Mathematics

Review of propositional and predicate logic; methods of theorem proving; strong and weak induction; finite and infinite sets, set operations; introduction to computational complexity; theta and big-O notation; combinatories, including permutations and combinations; discrete probability and binomial distribution.

CpE8LEC - Control Systems Lecture

Transfer function; block diagram; signal flow graphs, root locus, bode; nyquist and polar plot sensitivity and stability criteria, line feedback systems compensations techniques.

CpE8LAB - Control Systems Laboratory


CpE15LEC - Computer Systems Architecture Lecture

Topics include a review of logic circuits, bus structures, memory organization, interrupt structures, arithmetic units, input-output structures, state generation, central processor organization, control function implementation, and data communication, design of digital systems.

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