Engr. Jannet M. Anit, MEng-IE
Head, Industrial Engineering Department

Bachelor of Science in Industrial Engineering

Course Description

EM2IE - Engineering Management for IE

Covers nature and concept of engineering management functions, planning, decision making, organizing, staffing leading and controlling the organization. Other topics include selection, recruitment, training and development, management of change, communication, technology and society including all real world applications. Emphasis is management in the 21st century.

CE2 - Engineering Mechanics

Statics and Dynamics, operations with the free body concept; equilibrium of coplanar and non coplanar force systems, analysis of frames and trusses; friction; centroids and moments of inertia; motion of particles and rigid bodies; force.

PSYIE - Industrial Psychology Human Behavior in Organization

The science and art of managing people at work, principles, practices and problems of industrial psychology, includes personnel and human resource management.

IE2 - Principles of Economics

A course on the principles and concepts of economics, theory of demand, theory of production, price and output determination, market structure, theory of distribution, economic systems, national income taxation and agrarian reform, money price level, monetary policy, inflation and unemployment, international trade and finance, the role of government. Emphasis is on development economics.

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