Engr. Jodelyn L. Tuscano
Head, Electronics Engineering Department

Bachelor of Science in Electronics Engineering

To provide well-rounded engineering education through the integration of science and technology enriched with Christian principles and values.

To produce competent graduates who are proficient in their field of specialization to meet the needs of the industry today.

To produce be adequately prepared to do research and pursue further studies in the various fields of engineering relevant to local and global needs.

Course Description

MA1E - Advanced College Algebra

Set theory, natural, real, complex number, relations, functions, polynomial, exponential, logarithmic functions, algebraic expressions and equations, systems of equations and inequalities, theory of equations, Matrices and determinants; arithmetic and geometric series; solution sets of different types of inequalities and systems involving quadratics; solution of linear equations using determinants and matrices.

MA2E - Plane & Spherical Trigonometry

Trigonometric functions; identities and equations; logarithms; solutions of triangles; law of sines; law of cosines; inverse trigonometric functions; spherical trigonometry.

MA3E - Analytic Geometry

Equation of the lines and conic sections; algebraic curves; coordinates in two dimensional space.

MA4E - Solid Mensuration

Concept of lines and planes; Cavalieri’s and Volume theorems; formulas for areas of plane figures, volumes for solids; volumes and surfaces areas for spheres, pyramids, and cones; zone, sector and segment of a sphere; theorems of Pappus.

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(046) 431-7011 loc. 733


CECST Electronics & Communications Engineering Computer Engineering Industrial Engineering Computer Science Information Technology

San Sebastian College-Recoletos de Cavite   Manila-Cavite Road, Sta. Cruz, Cavite City 4100 Philippines  (046)431-7011 Fax: (046)431-1461

The BSECE degree program is a (5) five-year course that aims to produce electronics engineers who integrates emerging technologies with his knowledge of math & sciences to design conceptualize, and implement new, or innovative electronic, computer & communication systems, devices or processes.

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Manila-Cavite Road, Sta. Cruz, Cavite City 4100, Philippines
(046)431-7011 (046)431-1119

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