Engr. Jodelyn L. Tuscano
Head, Electronics Engineering Department
Bachelor of Science in Electronics Engineering
To provide well-
To produce competent
graduates who are proficient in their field of specialization to meet the needs of
the industry today.
To produce be adequately prepared to do research and pursue further
studies in the various fields of engineering relevant to local and global needs.
Course Description
MA1E -
Set theory, natural, real, complex number, relations, functions, polynomial, exponential, logarithmic functions, algebraic expressions and equations, systems of equations and inequalities, theory of equations, Matrices and determinants; arithmetic and geometric series; solution sets of different types of inequalities and systems involving quadratics; solution of linear equations using determinants and matrices.
MA2E -
Trigonometric functions; identities and equations; logarithms; solutions of triangles; law of sines; law of cosines; inverse trigonometric functions; spherical trigonometry.
MA3E -
Equation of the lines and conic sections; algebraic curves; coordinates in two dimensional space.
MA4E -
Concept of lines and planes; Cavalieri’s and Volume theorems; formulas for areas of plane figures, volumes for solids; volumes and surfaces areas for spheres, pyramids, and cones; zone, sector and segment of a sphere; theorems of Pappus.
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MA5E -
Functions, Limits, Differentiation of algebraic and transcendental functions involving one or more variables; applications of differential calculus to problems on optimization, rates of change, related rates, tangents and normals, High Order Derivatives, Implicit Differentiation, and approximations; partial differentiation and transcendental curve tracing.
MA6E -
MA7E -
Ordinary differential equations of the first order, linear differential equations with constant coefficients; simultaneous linear differential equations; applications.
MA8E -
Basic principles of statistics, charts, graphs, presentation and analysis of data averages, median mode, deviations, probability normal curves and applications.
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Basic concepts of matter and its classification; structure of the atoms, chemical bonding, mass relationships in chemical reactions; properties of gases, liquids, and solids; concepts of thermo chemistry; quantum theory and electronic behavior; periodic relationship of elements in the periodic table; intramolecular forces; and solutions.
A laboratory course to accompany CHM1LEC
Gas laws, study of properties of water, solutions, minerals, ores, metals/metallurgy, sources of energy, thermo chemistry, electrochemistry, solutions equilibria.
A laboratory course to accompany CHM2LEC
Vectors; kinematics; dynamics; work, energy, and power; impulse and momentum; rotation; dynamics of rotation; elasticity; and oscillation.
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A laboratory course that accompany PHY1LEC.
Fluids, thermal expansion, heat phenomena, heat transfer, wave motion, stationary waves, sound waves, acoustics, electrical charges and fields, electric potential, electric current, direct current circuits, magnetism and magnetic properties of current, electromagnetic waves, concepts of light and illumination, and relativistic mechanics.
A laboratory course that accompany PHY2LEC.
DR1 -
Use of drafting instruments and materials, scale and units of measure, descriptive
geometry, lettering, multi-
DR2 -
Mechanical Drawings, technical sketching, pictorial drawing, assembly drawings, sectional views, dimensioning detailed drawings, and exploded views, surface development, basic architectural drafting
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DR3 -
This course covers the familiarization of AutoCAD, engineering drawing application (conversion of manual to computer aided).
DR4 -
This is a continuation of the engineering drawing 3 which focuses on the three-
EM2 -
The course covers industrial organization and management concepts, theories, principles
and practices, quantitative tools for decision-
COE1 -
The course covers the computer basics and Microsoft office application with emphasis on industry standard computer operation and applications. It also covers basic programming and the basic steps in creating a program.
The course covers systems development life cycle, designing program logic using flow charts, sequential programming, decisions, iterations and table handling.
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A laboratory course that
accompany COE2LEC.
ME3 -
Ecological framework of sustainable development; pollution environments; water, air, and solid; waste treatment processes, disposal, and management; government legislation, rules, and regulation related to the environment and waste management; and environmental management system.
ECO1 -
Concepts of the time value of money and equivalence; basic economy study methods; decisions under certainty; decisions recognizing risk; and decisions admitting uncertainty.
CE1 -
The course covers fundamental principles of mechanics and their applications to the simpler engineering problems involving static equilibrium. Forces and moments; their components and resultants; their vector representation.Systems of discrete as well as continuously distributed forces.Frames, trusses, cables, friction; first and second moments of length, area, volume, and mass.
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CE3 -
The course is a continuation of static of rigid bodies that focuses on Dynamic of Rigid Bodies. It involves motion of particles and rigid bodies; force, mass, and acceleration; work and energy, impulse and momentum. Introduction to vibrations and balancing.
CE5 -
The course is an analysis and design of structural and machine elements, such as tension and compression members, shafts, beams and columns, based on equilibrium and material properties. Elementary stress and strain analysis. Riveted and welded connections. Members of two or more materials.
The Science and art of managing people at work, principles, practices and problems of industrial psychology, includes personnel and human resource management.
This course deals with logic sets, proofs, growth of functions, theory of numbers, counting techniques, trees and graph theory.
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EM1 -
Physics of materials, properties of engineering materials (polymers, ceramics, glasses, semiconductors) including mechanical acoustical, electrical, magnetic, chemical, optical and thermal properties.
ME3 -
Laws of thermodynamics; energy and property relationship; ideal gas laws; thermodynamic processes and cycles; heat transfer basics.
MA9E -
Determinants and matrices; power series expansion; Fourier series; Fourier transform;
Laplace transform; Hilbert transform; z-
This course deals with vector algebra, vector calculus, vector analysis, and their applications.
EE2 -
This course deals with electric and magnetic fields, resistive, dielectric and magnetic
materials, coupled circuits, magnetic circuits and fields, time-
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Fundamental relationships in circuit theory, mesh and node equations; resistive networks, network theorems; solutions of network problems using Laplace transform; transient analysis; methods of circuit analysis.
A laboratory course that accompany EE1LEC
Complex algebra and phasors; simple AC circuits, impedance and admittance; mesh and
node analysis for AC circuits; AC network theorems; power in AC circuits; resonance;
A laboratory course that accompany EE2LEC
Principles of energy conversion and transducers; electromechanical, photoelectric, photovoltaic, thermoelectric, piezoelectric; Hall Effect; reed switch; electromechanical, etc; generators, transformers; dynamic analysis, and fuel cells.
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A laboratory course that accompany EE4LEC
Elementary semi-
A laboratory course that accompany ECE1LEC
High frequency transistor models; analysis of transistor circuits; Feedback and operational amplifiers; combinational and sequential devices for logic circuits; integrated circuit families.
A laboratory course that accompany ECE2LEC.
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Switching operation of transistors; digital circuit building blocks (multivibrators);
passive and active wave shaping; pulse and digital circuits; oscillators, clock circuits;
A laboratory course that accompany ECE3LEC.
Bandwidth; filters; linear modulation; angle modulation; phase locked loop; pulse modulation; multiplexing techniques; noise analysis; radio transmitters and receivers.
A laboratory course that accompany COM1LEC
COM7 -
Discuses operation of audio and video equipment including amplifiers, processors,
audio/video mixers, distribution amps, TV cameras, microphones, monitors systems
integration, studio electro-
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Transmission media; radio wave propagation, wire and cable transmission systems;
A laboratory course that accompany COM2LEC.
Random variables bit error rate; matched filter; Digital modulation techniques; ASK,
A laboratory course that accompany COM3LEC.
This course deals with time and frequency response of feedback control systems. The
topics covered include, time response of first order and second order systems, modeling,
transfer functions, pole-
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A laboratory course that accompany COM4LEC.
COM6 -
Covers Signal Transmission Modes; Spread Spectrum Modulation System; Terrestrial Microwave; Satellite systems; Satellite Multiple Access Techniques; Terrestrial and Satellite Systems Path Calculations and Link Budgets.
Data communication systems; terminals, moderns; terminal control units; multiplexers;
concentrators; front-
A laboratory course that accompany COE16LEC.
Fourier transform; z transform; convolution; FIR filters; IIR Filters; random signal analysis; correlation functions; DFT; FFT; spectral analysis; applications of signal processing to speech, image, etc.
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Review of number systems, coding and Boolean algebra; inputs and outputs; gates and
gating networks; combinational circuits; standard form; minimization; sequential
circuits; state and machine equivalence; asynchronous sequential circuits; race conditions;
algorithmic state machines; design of digital sub-
A laboratory course that accompany COE7LEC
This course deals with the study of direct and iterative numerical methods in engineering,
determination of error bounds in calculations, computation of series expansions,
roots of algebraic and transcendental equations, numerical differentiation and integration,
solution to simultaneous linear and non-
A laboratory course that accompany ECEM3LEC
The course covers concepts involving microprocessor/microcontroller systems architecture/organization including microprocessor/microcontroller programming, interfacing techniques, memory systems and bus standards.
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A laboratory course that accompany COE19LEC.
Contracts; warranties; liabilities; patents; bids; insurance; other topics on the legal and ethical positions of the professional engineer.
Seminars and lecturers on current topics on Electronics Engineering developments; field trips to different semiconductor, electronics and telecommunications companies.
Students are exposed to the industry for them to match competencies and knowledge to the realities and problems in their chosen company.
A study dealing with basic elements on research with the use of statistical approach. It is designed to prepare the students to undertake a research project in the field of electronics engineering. The students’ final output will be a research or design proposal which they will use in their thesis.
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A course deals with the practical implementation of electronics using the principles of Electronics Engineering in the design, building and testing of special circuits or simple electronics communications system.
This course is a comprehensive review for the graduating students in preparation
for the PRC-
This is an introductory course to solid state physics covering crystal structures, reciprocal lattices, crystal binding, lattice vibrations, heat capacity, free electron gas and energy bands.
Focuses on the practice of designing VLSI systems from circuits to architecture and
from sub-
A laboratory course that accompany ECEE2LEC.
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Focuses on Analog IC Fabrication processes, Analog device Modeling and circuit simulation, Design and Characterization of analog circuit building blocks such Amplifiers, Comparators, Operational Amplifiers and other analog systems.
A laboratory course that accompany ECEE3LEC.
Semiconductor packaging and assembly technology.Background on semiconductor physics, reliability statistics, fault isolation and physical defect analysis techniques.
A laboratory course that accompany ECEE4LEC.
Principles and theories of navigational systems for air, marine, and space; RADARs;
directional finders (ADF), antenna systems, non-
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Communication systems analysis and design; operating performance and interface standards for voice and data circuits; telecommunications facility planning; outside plant engineering; surveying; switching and handling systems; mobile systems and standards; cellular radio systems (GSM and UMTS architecture); PSTN
A laboratory course that accompany COME2LEC.
This course is an introduction to DSP concepts and implementation which includes
signal conditioning, anti-
A laboratory course that accompany COME3LEC.
This mixed-
A laboratory course that accompany COME4LEC
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